Yoshizaki Mine

Japanese Name: 吉崎観音

Place of Birth: Isahaya, Nagasaki ,Japan

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Was KATSU Aki's assistant. AOKI Hayato was once his assistant.

Series: Arcade Gamer Fubuki
Arcade Gamer Fubuki Original
Character Collaborations With ABJ mark!
Chousekai Alpha
Detana!! TwinBee
Dragon Quest - Monsters +
Fanta & Sweat
Goeishin Eight
Kerokero Gunsou: Tokubetsu Kunren Sengoku Ran Hoshi Dai Battle! - Naze nani Sengoku Jidai
Keroro Gunsou
Keroro Gunsou Best Selection
Keroro Pirates
Kidou Senshi Gundam - The Anthology
Stop! Piracy
Uchuu Juubee (YOSHIZAKI Mine)
VS Kishi Ramune & 40 Honou


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ケロロ軍曹 raw 第01-34巻 [Keroro Gunsou vol 01-34]

ケロロ軍曹 raw 第01-34巻 [Keroro Gunsou vol 01-34]
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ドラゴンクエストモンスターズ+ 第01-05巻 [Dragon Quest: Monsters+ vol 01-05]

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