Japanese Name: 山花典之

Place of Birth: Japan

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Author has gone through 2 name changes... he was originally known as YAMAZAKI Hanako (山崎花子), then he changed it to HANAKO, then later he changed it to YAMAHANA Noriyuki (山花典之), and continues to use this name.

Series: Chiguhagu
Glass Age
Himitsu no Rouge
Imouto - Akane
Itoshi no Mari - Love Drug Doll
Masaki no Pan
Noel no Kimochi
Orange Yane no Chiisana Ie
Tenshi no Rouge
Yume de Aetara


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天使のルージュ raw 第01-02巻 [Tenshi no Ruju vol 01-02]

天使のルージュ raw 第01-02巻 [Tenshi no Ruju vol 01-02]
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聖樹のパン raw 第01-12巻 [Masaki no Pan vol 01-12]

聖樹のパン raw 第01-12巻 [Masaki no Pan vol 01-12]
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