Japanese Name: 辻次夕日郎

Place of Birth: Hyogo prefecture

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Graduated from Azabu High School and received the 86th Tezuka Award Honorable Mention for “Gorimacho Heart” in 2013. Debuted in 2014 with "GUN OUT" on Jump NEXT!!, In 2015 he published another oneshot “TK4 -Takeshi-“ also on Jump NEXT!! Graduated from Keio University in 2017. While working for a movie company, he wrote Snowball Earth and won the 2019 Spirits Award. He and ASHIMO Akira are friends since junior high school. He watched about 20 Gundam series during his high school years.

Series: Snowball Earth


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スノウボールアース raw 第01-07巻 [Snow Ball Earth vol 01-07]

スノウボールアース raw 第01-07巻 [Snow Ball Earth vol 01-07]
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