Japanese Name: たらちねジョン

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: Circle: Kotteri Active in circle as solely John or TARATSUMI John. Publishes BL tankoubon under TARATSUMI John name as well. Pixiv

Series: Alcohol Communication
Azami no Shiro no Majo
Bokorare Uke
Good night, I Love You
Hentai Play
Itai Ero
Kuroko no Basuke dj - Beautiful Child
Kuroko no Basuke dj - Kakuzatou to American
Sex Education (TARACHINE John)
Share-House Netherland
Shinonome Tantei Ibun Roku
Umi ga Hashiru End Roll
Unknown (TARATSUMI John)
Yankee Uke


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海が走るエンドロール raw 第01-06巻 [Umi Ga Hashiru End Roll vol 01-06]

海が走るエンドロール raw 第01-06巻 [Umi Ga Hashiru End Roll vol 01-06]
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アザミの城の魔女 第01-04巻 [Azami no Shiro no Majo vol 01-04]

アザミの城の魔女 第01-04巻 [Azami no Shiro no Majo vol 01-04]
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