Japanese Name: 武田日向

Place of Birth: Japan

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: Mangaka went on hiatus during the latter half of 2011, causing her main series, Ikoku Meiro no Croisée, to be suddenly discontinued. Fujimi Shobo (Monthly Dragon Age) did not formally announce this news to the public and simply ceased serializing it after the Nov. 2011 issue. Passed away January 2017 due to an unspecified illness.

Series: Gosick (Novel)
GosickS (Novel)
Ikoku Meiro no Alice-chan
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée
Ikoku Meiro no Croisée - Character Tribute
Kitsune to Atori
Yaeka no Karte


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異国迷路のクロワーゼ 第01-02巻 [Ikoku Meiro no Croisée vol 01-02]

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やえかのカルテ raw 第01-03巻 [Yaeka no Karute vol 01-03]

やえかのカルテ raw 第01-03巻 [Yaeka no Karute vol 01-03]
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