Japanese Name: 高橋慶太郎

Place of Birth: Kanagawa, Japan

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Born in 1978. Attended prestigious Tama Art University (Graphic Design faculty), but eventually dropped out. His favorite food is chicken. His debut work, Ordinary±, was a quasi-winner of Afternoon's Four Seasons Award in 1999. He also did illustrations for Tonari No Dopperu-san novel series and character design for Jing Ke and Nightingale in Fate/Grand Order.

Series: Black Lagoon: The Book of Venom
Destro 016
Desutoro 246
Hinmin, Seihitsu, Daifugou
Jormungand Kessakushuu
Monbushou Chokuzoku no Satsuriku Heiki
Ordinary ±


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