Japanese Name: 高橋ヒロシ

Place of Birth: Aizubange, Fukushima, Japan

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Japanese manga writer and artist mostly known from his manga series [Crows](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=39487377876) and [Worst](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=60115487363), which were adapted into a movie entitled [Crows ZERO](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=60517638594) which spawned two sequels [Crows ZERO II](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=77383) and [Crows Explode](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=42338657389). [Suzuki Dai](https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=69170842100) and [Nagata Kouichi](https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=34041458276) were his assistants during Crows and [QP](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=75803061395). Not to be confused with the [mystery writer](https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=2773) and [sports mangaka](https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=26979).

Series: Crows
Crows Gaiden
Crows Gaiden - Katagiri Ken Monogatari
Crows Gaiden - Linda Linda
Crows Gaiden Housenka - The Beginning of Housen
Crows Respect
Crows Zero
Crows Zero II - Suzuran x Housen
Crows ZERO Reboot
Examurai Sengoku
Hey! Riki
HiGH & LOW: THE WORST Housen Gakuen Nikki
Jank Runk Family
Kaettekitta Pixel Crows
Kurouzu Kaizokuban # Kurouzu de asonde mita
Pixel Crows
QP Azuma Ryou - Desperado
QP Gaiden
QP Gaiden - Azuma Ryou
QP Tom & Jerry Gaiden - Tsuki ni Te o Nobase
Saigo no Worst
Sono Go no Crows
Suzuran Danshi Koukou Nyuugaku Annai
Suzuran, Kenzai nari!
Takahashigumi no Zanteikyuu Ikimassu!!
We Are the Worst!
Worst Gaiden
Worst Gaiden - Sabu Roku Santa Meimonaki Karasu-tachi
Worst Gaiden Dokuro
Worst Gaiden Guriko
Worst Gaiden Zetton-sensei


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WORST外伝 ドクロ raw 第01-17巻 [WORST Gaiden Dokuro vol 01-17]
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OREN’S raw 第01-16巻

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