Japanese Name: サカノ景子

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: An illustrator that has worked primarily with cover art for novels and game character designs, some of them are the Ninja Love and My Sweet Prince installments of NTT Solmare's series of English otome games.

Series: Hana wa Sakura yori mo Hana no Gotoku
Houshin Shinai Engi
Kami-sama x Ore-sama x Danna-sama!?
Life in the Tulou
Mahou Tsukai no Konyakusha (Novel)
Oni no Hanayome wa Taberaretai


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鬼の花嫁は喰べられたい raw 第01-09巻 [Oni no hanayome wa taberaretai vol 01-09]

鬼の花嫁は喰べられたい raw 第01-09巻 [Oni no hanayome wa taberaretai vol 01-09]
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