Japanese Name: ピーチピット

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: PEACH-PIT is a female mangaka duo that is composed of: - [Sendou Banri]( (leader; story & script) - Shibuko Ebara (story & script) The duo derives its name from the Beverly Hills 90210 hangout, the Peach-Pit. More: Peach-Pit is a female manga artist duo in Japan, made up of Banri Sendo (千道 万里) and Shibuko Ebara (えばら 渋子). Their group name derives from the diner hangout in the TV show Beverly Hills 90210. Although both have similar styles, with some artwork it is possible to identify which artist drew it. Both are known for their bishōjo styled works. As noted in their books, they are both Geminis and have "Almost flushed our phones down the toilet...twice." The two of them grew up together and went to the same elementary school and have been best friends ever since. Both started as doujinshi manga artists, but not as Peach-Pit. Then they were scouted by Dengeki Comic Gao!. In 2008, one of their manga, Shugo Chara!, was awarded the Kodansha Manga Award for best children's manga.Shugo Chara was also turned later into an Anime television series, from Tokyo Pop.

Series: Akatsuki no Vampiress: Zensoukyoku - Side Adelaide x Malheureux
Datte Daisuki Nanda Mon.
King of Fighters dj - Technical Fighters
Kingyozaka Noboru
Kugiko-chan ga Iru!
Maite wa Ikenai Rozen Maiden
Momo no Tane
Neo Kiseijuu
Nishina Tesura wa Mitsukaranai
Nishina Tesura wa Suiri shinai
Prism Palette
Rozen Maiden
Rozen Maiden - Dolls Talk
Rozen Maiden 0
Rozen Maiden II
Sei Shounagon to Moushimasu
Shoujo no Tsukurikata
Shugo Chara!
Shugo Chara! Jewel Joker
Shugo Chara-chan!
Star Wars: Tribute to Star Wars
Wandering Wonder World


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