Japanese Name: 中野独人

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: "NAKANO Hitori" is not a real person. It's a pseudonym created from Naka no Hitori (中の一人 ) , "one of those people," for the true identity of Densha is never revealed and the book is a collection of posts on the 2Channel bulletin board.

Series: Densha Otoko - Bijo to Junjo Otaku Seinen no Net Hatsu Love Story
Densha Otoko - Demo, Ore Tabidatsu yo
Densha Otoko - Net Hatsu, Kakueki Teisha no Love Story
Densha Otoko: Ganbare Doku Otoko!
Train Man (Novel)


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電車男~ネット発、各駅停車のラブストーリー~ 第01-03巻 [Densha Otoko – Net Hatsu, Kakueki Teisha no Love Story vol 01-03]

電車男~ネット発、各駅停車のラブストーリー~ 第01-03巻 [Densha Otoko - Net Hatsu, Kakueki Teisha no Love Story vol 01-03]
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