Japanese Name: 水野良

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Is a Japanese author and game designer. Mizuno created Record of Lodoss War, Rune Soldier, Sword World RPG and Starship Operators. He was also involved with the Galaxy Angel manga. Mizuno recently worked on Tri-Ace and Square Enix's action-RPG Infinite Undiscovery. He has shown talent in both dramatic and humorous genres. He was one of the founding members of Group SNE.

Series: Akashic Re:cords - Creators Sunday - Souzousha no Nichiyoubi
Blade Line: Aeshia Kenseiki
Crystania (Novel)
Galaxy Angel
Galaxy Angel Parody
Galaxy Angel Party
Grancrest Senki
Legend of Crystania: The First Adventurers
Legend of Lodoss (Novel)
Lodoss Tousenki - Pharis no Seijo
Lodoss Tousenki: Eiyuu Kishiden
Lodoss Tousenki: Haiiro no Majo
Lodoss Tousenki: Haiiro no Majo (TAKUMA Tomomasa)
Lodoss Tousenki: Honoo no Majin
Lodoss Tousenki: Seiyaku no Houkan
Lodoss Tousenki: Seiyaku no Houkan (Novel)
Lodoss-tou Senki (Novel)
Lodoss-tou Senki - Deedlit Monogatari
Louie the Rune Soldier (Novel)
Mahou Senshi Louie
Mahou Senshi Louie (HASEGAWA Kouji)
Record of Lodoss War Next Generation (Novel)
RPG Replay Lodoss-tou Senki (Novel)
Starship Operators
Sword World (Novel)
Sword World RPG World Guide
The Unicorn Maiden
Youkoso Lodoss Shima e!


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ロードス島戦記 ファリスの聖女 第01-02巻 [Lodoss Tousenki – Pharis no Seijo vol 01-02]

ロードス島戦記 ファリスの聖女 第01-02巻 [Lodoss Tousenki - Pharis no Seijo vol 01-02]
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