Place of Birth: Yanagawa, Fukuoka, Japan

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Real name: TACHIKAWA Minoru (立川稔) sometimes listed as MEEくん (MEE-kun)

Series: An Extraordinary Guardian
Hiromi Nonstop!
Hiromi-chan Funsenki
Hyper Police
Ki ni Naru Otonari-san
Kotetsu no Daiboken
Koukou Jidai Hiromi-chan Funsenki
Luck Master
Mee-kun Shoujotai
Moeyo Tetsujin
Oshigoto Shimasho
Restoring Art and Love
Seigi no Mikata (MEE-kun)
Shumi no Kobeya
Toukyou Battle
War Side Game: Free Time


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はいぱーぽりす 第01-10巻 [Hyper Police Vol 01-10]

はいぱーぽりす 第01-10巻 [Hyper Police Vol 01-10]
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