KUORI Chimaki

Japanese Name: 久織ちまき

Gender: Female

Series: Kidou Senshi Gundam - Gyakushuu no Char - Beyond the Time
Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed Destiny - The Edge
Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed Destiny The Edge Desire
Kimi no Kaeru Basho
Persona 3 Portable Anthology Comic - Arata Naru Kizuna
Persona 3 Portable Anthology Comic - Otome no Hanazono
Persona 4 Anthology Comic
Persona 4 The Ultimate in Mayonaka Arena Dengeki Comic Anthology
Saint Seiya - Saintia Shou
Saint Seiya: Saintia Shou memories
Sengoku Basara 2 - Groove'n Dragon


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聖闘士星矢セインティア翔 第01-16巻 [Saint Seiya – Saintia Shou vol 01-16]

聖闘士星矢セインティア翔 第01-16巻 [Saint Seiya - Saintia Shou vol 01-16]
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