ISO Mitsuo

Japanese Name: 磯光雄

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Iso-sensei is a very acclaimed animator who created Denno Coil which is popular right now. He wrote and directed it. Among his most famous animation work is Asuka's battle in End of Evangelion, a RahXephon episode, and the first half of Ghost in the Shell's tank battle. Denno Coil is his only manga work.

Series: Chikyuugai Shounen Shoujo
Dennou Coil


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地球外少年少女 第01-03巻 [Chikyu Gai Shonen Shojo vol 01-03]

地球外少年少女 第01-03巻 [Chikyu Gai Shonen Shojo vol 01-03]
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