Hojo Tsukasa

Japanese Name: 北条司

Place of Birth: Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: He studied technical design while still at Kyushu Sangyo University, where he began to draw manga. He worked on several one-shot stories before releasing his serialized works: Cat's Eye, City Hunter and Angel Heart. Among his assistants there were INOUE Takehiko, UMEZAWA Haruto & YANAGAWA Yoshihiro. MORITA Masanori applied as his assistant, but he introduced Morita to HARA Tetsuo instead as he already had enough assistants at that time. Hojo, Hara & Tsugihara Ryuuji founded Coamix in 2000 with their former editor on Jump, Horie Nobuhiko. Once commented that he thinks the prejudice of Western (OEL) manga not being "authentic" was bizarre and thinks all Western manga was good. (This is probably due to manga literally meaning comics in their country.)

Series: Angel Heart
Angel Heart - 2nd Season
Cat's Ai
Cat's Eye
Chou Kochikame
City Hunter
City Hunter -double edge-
CITY HUNTER Gaiden: Ijuuin Hayato-shi no Heion naranu Nichijou
F. Compo
Komorebi no Moto de...
Kyo kara City Hunter
Sakura no Hanasaku Koro
Shounentachi no Ita Natsu
Tenshi no Okurimono


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シティーハンター raw 第01-35巻 [City Hunter Vol 01-35]

シティーハンター raw 第01-35巻 [City Hunter Vol 01-35]
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キャッツアイ 第01-18巻 [Cat’s Eye vol 01-18]

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ファミリー・コンポ 第01-14巻 [F. Compo vol 01-14]

ファミリー・コンポ 第01-14巻 [F. Compo vol 01-14]
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