Manga zone » HAYASHIDA Q.
Japanese Name: 林田球
Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
Gender: Female
Information for Authors: Born in 1977. Attended Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. Long-time [Hanshin Tigers]( fan. Did boss character design for [Shadows of the Damned]( videogame. Interviews: She was asked to watch selected Netflix shows and give her opinions on them. The shows she previewed were Daredevil, Better Call Saul, Narcos, and Bojack Horseman. Some interesting tidbits from the interview: - Hayashida is a self-proclaimed fan of overseas TV shows - Owns an Xbox - Enjoys Marvel comics and its animated and live action adaptations - Prefers subs to dubs - Had watched Breaking Bad before and was happy to see old characters appear on Better Call Saul - Would like to see more adult-oriented animation like Bojack - The foreign dramas she watches over and over again and have influenced her works are The X Files and Twin Peaks - Has rewatched Agatha Christie’s Poirot, and Murder She Wrote many times as well - A recent favorite is Fargo - Would like to try and watch more documentaries
Afternoon Four Season Prize PORTABLE
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Hanshin Tigers Sousetsu 80 Shuunen Kinen Zoukan
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