Japanese Name: 長谷川哲也

Place of Birth: Nagasaki-ken

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: After graduating from Kyushu Institute of Technology, he moved to Tokyo to study at KOIKE Kazuo's Gekiga Sonjuku. Then at the age of 37 he became an assistant of HARA Tetsuo when Comic Bunch was newly launched. Other than Hara and Koike, he was influenced by TEZUKA Osamu, YOKOYAMA Mitsuteru, MOROHOSHI Daijiro, YAMAGAMI Tatsuhiko, KAMOGAWA Tsubame and AKATSUKA Fujio.

Series: Eisenfaust: Tenpou Ninjaden
Jinkari Heisuke
Napoleon - Hadou Shingeki
Napoleon - Shishi no Jidai
Occult Macchiato
Warau, Koroshiya


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ナポレオン~覇道進撃 raw 第01-27巻 [Napoleon – Hadou Shingeki vol 01-27]

ナポレオン~覇道進撃 raw 第01-27巻 [Napoleon - Hadou Shingeki vol 01-27]
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ナポレオン 獅子の時代 第01-15巻 [Napoleon – Shishi no Jidai vol 01-15]

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