Japanese Name: 権平ひつじ

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: In 2011, when he was 19 years old, he won the JUMP Treasure Newcomer Manga Award Honorable Mention for "IBISS". In the same year, he made his debut as a manga artist with "Chaco's Jailbreak Theory" in Jump NEXT! 2011 SUMMER issue. He participated and won the 10th Weekly Shonen Jump's Golden Future Cup contest in 2015 with the one-shot [Genjui Toteku](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=136924). [YUZURIHA Kenta](https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=47591) & [YAGI Tomohiro](https://www.mangaupdates.com/authors.html?id=21838) were his assistants. He has a brother, who has some drawing skills (at least in one occasion helped him as assistant).

Series: Genjui Toteku
Poro no Ryuugaku-ki
Yozakura-san Chi no Daisakusen


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