GATOU Shouji

Japanese Name: 賀東招二

Place of Birth: Shiga Prefecture, Japan

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: He is a Japanese author from Shiga Prefecture, Japan. He is best known for the creation of the Full Metal Panic! series that included light novels, manga and anime. He is not only an author but also an anime scenarist, for example "The Day of Sagittarius" of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and three episodes of Lucky Star. Shoji Gatoh met with Koichi Chigira by accident when he bumped into him in Shinjuku when he was late for work. Later on, the two were shocked to meet with one another in the Gonzo Digimation office. The two later teamed up to create the Full Metal Panic! anime series.

Series: Amagi Brilliant Park
Amagi Brilliant Park (Novel)
Amagi Brilliant Park? Fumo
COP CRAFT Dragnet Mirage Reloaded (Novel)
Full Metal Panic!
Full Metal Panic! (Novel)
Full Metal Panic! 0
Full Metal Panic! Another Σ
Full Metal Panic! Comic Mission
Full Metal Panic! Surplus
Full Metal Panic! Σ
Ikinari! Full Metal Panic!


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フルメタルパニック! 第01-09巻 [Full Metal Panic! vol 01-09]

フルメタルパニック! 第01-09巻 [Full Metal Panic! vol 01-09]
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いきなり!フルメタル・パニック! 第01-05巻 [Ikinari! Full Metal Panic! Vol 01-05]

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