Japanese Name: 福山リョウコ

Place of Birth: Wakayama, Japan

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: She wanted to become a manga-ka at the young age of seven. During her college years, she won a manga prize by sending her work to Hana to Yume, which was promptly followed by her debut as a manga-ka. Her former assistants currently include: SUZUKI Julietta

Series: Fukumenkei Noise
Hito no Yomei de Seishun suru na
Kikenai Yoru wa Nai
Koi ni Mudaguchi
Monokuro Shounen Shoujo
Nousatsu Junkie
Shinzou ga Tarinai


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聴けない夜は亡い 第01-03巻 [Kikenai yoru wa nai vol 01-03]

聴けない夜は亡い 第01-03巻 [Kikenai yoru wa nai vol 01-03]
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恋に無駄口 第01-12巻 [Koi ni mudaguchi vol 01-12]

恋に無駄口 第01-12巻 [Koi ni mudaguchi vol 01-12]
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