Japanese Name: 藤田麻貴

Place of Birth: Aichiken

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: She can sleep anywhere.

Series: Another Kingdom
Baroque Kishidan
Hallelujah 7
Hiiro no Uta
Hoshikuzu Honey
Ka no Yo no Kemono ga Miru Yume wa
Kids Joker
Koharu Nooto
Platinum Garden
Rakuen no Trill
Romance kara Hajime You
Sekai wo Ageyou
Yakusoku wa Toshokan no Katasumi de


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コハルノオト 第01-05巻 [Koharu Note vol 01-05]

コハルノオト 第01-05巻 [Koharu Note vol 01-05]
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緋色の呪文 第01-04巻 [Hiro No Jumon vol 01-04]

緋色の呪文 第01-04巻 [Hiro No Jumon vol 01-04]
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