Fatal Pulse (Asanagi)

Gender: Male

Information for Authors: Asanagi is known as the sole member of the doujin circle Fatalpulse. He is a freelance artist that typically draws illustrations of girls, but also draws full length doujinshi for Comiket, and other commission based work. He runs both a pixiv account and what appears to be the Japanese version of Patreon, Enty. Asanagi is mostly recognized for his prolific ongoing series [Victim Girls](https://www.mangaupdates.com/series.html?id=43021), which has been in production since the titular release at Comiket 67 on December 30th 2004. The series includes several titles ranging from Kancolle, to Ragnarok Online, to SAO. "I draw girl's smiles and HAPPY ENDINGS." Location: Tokyo, Japan pixiv: http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=355065

Series: Bestiary - Gaki
Girls in the Frame
Guilty Gear dj - Let's Rock Bridget Party
Kantai Collection dj - Danke Dankei Revolution
Orc Eiyuu Monogatari (Novel)
Ragnarok Online dj - RΩ Hard Core
Shinzui New Life Ver.
Victim Girls


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