Japanese Name: あづまゆき

Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: Circle: Imomuya Honpo (いもむや本舗) Location: Tokyo, Japan pixiv: SFW Twitter : [url][/url]

Series: Azuma Yuki Tanpenshuu - Chotto Otona no Naishobanashi
Boku no Bandai-san
Cheer Up!
Code Geass - Queen
Cosplay Doll
Danshi Kinsei!! Freese Jogakuin
Glee Green Island
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? dj - Watashi Dake no Tenshi
Happy Valentine
Hiiragi Shougakkou Renai Kurabu
Hoshihimemura no Naishobanashi
Kaming Doll
Kantai Collection dj - Simakore
Love Live! dj - Ruby-chan wa Maru no Mono zura!
Love Shelter
Lucky Star - Comic à la Carte
Mama wa Doukyuusei
Mousou Megane
OO Gakuin XX Ka
Oshi ga Joushi ni narimashite
R Chronicle - Prelude
Schoolmate Kiss
Snow: Pure White
The Honor Student's Secret Job


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優等生と秘密のお仕事 raw 第01-10巻 [Yutosei to Himitsu no Shigoto vol 01-10]

優等生と秘密のお仕事 raw 第01-10巻 [Yutosei to Himitsu no Shigoto vol 01-10]
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柊小学校恋愛くらぶ 第01-07巻 [Hiiragi Shougakkou Renai Club vol 01-07]

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かみingど~る 第01-04巻 [Kaming Doll vol 01-04]

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ボクの番台さん 第01-04巻 [Boku no Bandai-san vol 01-04]

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