Japanese Name: 咲木音穂

Place of Birth: Japan

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: Part of the mangaka group Naked Ape. Along with her Naked Ape partner NAKAMURA Tomomi, the two frequently release doujinshis as part of the Acute Girls doujinshi circle. Additionally, often works with the mangaka YAMAMOTO Kana, as part of the doujinshi circle Negahyst.

Series: Code Geass dj - Erosion
Code Geass dj - Liar
Death Note dj - Confusion
Dolls dj - Private Dolls
Eyeshield 21 dj - 3 cm
Eyeshield 21 dj - Blue Days
Eyeshield 21 dj - Green Days
Eyeshield 21 dj - Hitei Renairon
Eyeshield 21 dj - Zettai Renai Shugi
Gin no Kerberos
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Asterisk
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Bitter Ver.
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Bocky
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Ichigo Milk
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Poison Cholate
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Rain Drops
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Sanctuary
Katekyo Hitman Reborn! dj - Sweet Ver.
Kisshou 7
Nakamura Neko Seitaiin
Naruto dj - Aka
Naruto dj - Kimi wo Omou
Naruto dj - Ko Do
Naruto dj - Moe Touch
Naruto dj - Rocket
Naruto dj - Sabi
Prince of Tennis dj - 10+2
Prince of Tennis dj - Calcium
Prince of Tennis dj - Nesshisen
Prince of Tennis dj - Shizuku
Prince of Tennis dj - Zankou
Switch dj - Homes


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銀のケルベロス 第01-03巻 [Gin no Keruberosu vol 01-03]

銀のケルベロス 第01-03巻 [Gin no Keruberosu vol 01-03]
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