Japanese Name: あだちとか

Place of Birth: Murayama, Yamagata

Gender: Female

Information for Authors: Consists of two female manga-ka, from which the name is derived: Adachi, who is in charge of foreground characters and Tokashiki, who is in charge of backgrounds. Adachi (安達) - foreground characters illustrator Birthday: December 14 Birth place: Yamagata prefecture, Murayama Tokashiki (渡嘉敷) - background illustrator Birthday: November 28 Birth place: Okinawa prefecture, Naha

Series: Alive: Saishuu Shinkateki Shounen
Character Collaborations With ABJ mark!
Noragami Shuuishuu
Noragami: Awase Kagami
Star Wars: Tribute to Star Wars
Stop! Piracy


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ノラガミ 第01-27巻 [Noragami vol 01-27]

ノラガミ 第01-27巻 [Noragami vol 01-27]
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