Tags: ウルフガイ - 狼の紋章 rar ウルフガイ - 狼の紋章 raw ウルフガイ - 狼の紋章 zip ウルフガイ - 狼の紋章 第01-12巻 [Wolf Guy - Ookami no Monshou vol 01-12] 余湖裕輝 田畑由秋
Author: HIRAI Kazumasa
Category: RAW MANGA
Genre: Action Adult Horror Mature Romance School Life Seinen Supernatural Tragedy
Publication Year: 2007
Feature: 21st Century Absent Parent/s Abuse of Power Academy America Animal Characteristics Animal Transformation Animal/s Anti-Social Protagonist Antihero / Antiheroine Arrogant Male Lead Attempted Murder Attempted Rape Attempted Suicide Aunt/s Bad Experiences Bad Luck Based on a Novel Beautiful Female Lead Big Breasts Bisexual Character/s Blackmail Blood and Gore Borderline H Cold Male Lead Controversial Cunnilingus Damsel in Distress Dead Family Member/s Dead Friend/s Dead Parent/s Death of Loved One/s Deliberate Loner Delinquent/s Despair Divorce Double/Multiple Penetration Drug/s Elaborate Art Style Fated Lovers Fellatio/Blowjob Flashbacks Gagged Gang Rape Groping Gun/s Half-Human Humiliation Indifferent Protagonist Insanity Internet Japan Kidnapping/s LGBT Character in Non-Yaoi/Yuri Manga LGBT Scenes Lion/s Loner Protagonist Lust Mafia Male Dominance Mass Murder/s Masturbation Mature Child/ren Mature Protagonist Mental Breakdown Middle School Molesting Monster/s Murder/s Near-Death Experience Nephew/s Netorare North America Nudity Ogre/s Older Female Lead Older Female Younger Male Orphan/s Outcast/s Panchira Partial Nudity Prostitute/s Protagonist Lives Alone Protagonist Strong from the Start Psychopath/s Rape Rape as a Subplot Rape Victim/s Reluctant Protagonist Rival/s Rude Protagonist Sadist/s School Boy/s School Girl/s Serial Rapist/s Sex Toy/s Small Breasts Social Outcast/s Sociopath/s Stalker/s Strong Male Lead Strong-Willed Female Lead Strong-Willed Male Lead Student-Teacher Relationship Student/s Stun Gun/s Suicidal Character/s Survival Swordsman Taken in by Relatives Teacher/s Torture Tragic Accident/s Tragic Past Tragic Protagonist Transfer Student/s Trauma Twin/s Undergarment/s Urban Fantasy Urban Legends Urination Violence Werewolf/ves Willpower Wolf/Wolves Young Male Lead
Title : ウルフガイ - 狼の紋章 第01-12巻 [Wolf Guy – Ookami no Monshou vol 01-12]
Associated Names
[田畑由秋×余湖裕輝] ウルフガイ - 狼の紋章
ウルフガイ - 狼の紋章
Wolf Guy (TABATA Yoshiaki)
Wolf Guy – Emblem of the Wolf
Wolf Guy – Wolfen Crest
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