Tags: あめつちのうた rar あめつちのうた raw あめつちのうた zip オノハラ 朝倉宏景
Author: ISHII Asuka
Category: RAW MANGA
Genre: Drama Historical Seinen Supernatural
Publication Year: 2016
Feature: Artist Protagonist Artist/s Beautiful Artwork Bookworm/s Brother and Sister Brother-Sister Relationship Cat/s Civil Servant/s or Official/s Dead Family Member/s Dead Mother Dead Parent/s Death Eccentric Female Lead Female Artist Flashbacks Guilt Half-Sibling/s Heian Era Historical Fiction Historical Setting Illness Important Non-Romantic Relationship/s Insomnia Japan Japanese Ambience Japanese Culture Japanese Folklore Kamakura Period Long-Haired Female Lead Lost Mother Memory Erasure Noble Female Lead Noble Male Lead Observant Female Lead Older Brother Ostracized Character/s Painting Past Plays a Big Role Perceptive Female Lead Poet Poetic Poetry Power at a Price Quiet Female Lead Scholar/s Secret Ability Sibling Love Sibling Relationship Siblings Special Ability/ies Special Eyes Talented Female Lead Talented Male Lead Teacher/s Tomboyish Female Lead Underworld Unique Ability/ies Workaholic Younger Sister
Title : あめつちのうた raw 第01巻 [Ametsuchi no uta vol 01]
[朝倉宏景×オノハラ] あめつちのうた
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